Query parameters

  • private boolean

    Flag that determines the visibility of the file.


  • file string(binary)

    You can use any name you like and send as many files as you like at once.


  • File successfully uploaded

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes array[object]
  • Unexpected error

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /{client}
curl \
 -X POST http://api.example.com/{client} \
 -H "x-api-key: $API_KEY" \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
 -F "file=@file"
Request example
  "file": "@file"
Request examples
  "file": "@file"
Response examples (201)
    "name": "8BgXSCaMZae9auk1kVA9tRP2Km1CzvKsyE8ml8R0.jpg",
    "owner": "client",
    "visibility": "public",
    "path": "client/8BgXSCaMZae9auk1kVA9tRP2Km1CzvKsyE8ml8R0.jpg",
    "mime": "image/jpeg",
    "size": 142083,
    "lastModified": 1640104826
Response examples (201)
    "name": "8BgXSCaMZae9auk1kVA9tRP2Km1CzvKsyE8ml8R0.jpg",
    "owner": "client",
    "visibility": "public",
    "path": "client/8BgXSCaMZae9auk1kVA9tRP2Km1CzvKsyE8ml8R0.jpg",
    "mime": "image/jpeg",
    "size": 142083,
    "lastModified": 1640104826
Response examples (500)
  "message": "An error occurred.",
  "code": 500
Response examples (500)
  "message": "An error occurred.",
  "code": 500